un keep

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

the ocean and the wave

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The ocean loved its waves so much
That they mated every night and grew to its size
But the reason it was salty was because
The waves cried every time it was sent ashore
Because the ocean had a new wave

to the girl who is always there for others

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

When you’re the girl who is always there for others — you feel a lot. You have depths within you, an ocean for a heart, and you keep falling for people who are too scared to swim. You give and you give and you give; tearing pieces of your paper soul into the smallest of fragments just to set someone else aflame.

You hurt. My god, do you hurt. You ache, wondering if someone will ever give you the love you so freely give to others, wondering if there will come a time when someone asks how you are doing, how you are coping, how you are healing.

And when that doesn’t happen, you heal yourself. You find strength in things other than people. You find energy in your solitude, you find hope in your daydreams. You build yourself up, tell yourself that you don’t need anyone to save you, that you don’t need anyone to steady your foundation.

But you do.

See, sometimes the girl who is always there for everyone else, needs someone to be there for her, too. Sometimes, the girl who smiles the biggest holds the biggest pain. Sometimes the girl who is always the person who wipes the tears of others, goes home and cries lakes into the midnight hour. Sometimes the girl who encourages everyone around her needs to be told that she is appreciated and that she matters; sometimes she needs to be encouraged herself.

So, if you’re the girl who is always there for others, know that your heart is rare. Know that you hold within you an ability to calm storms in people, a beautiful gift that has relieved sore eyes and hurt minds. Know that you give people hope, that you inspire them by acknowledging the pieces of them most ignore, that you make people feel wanted, and that you make people feel like they have a purpose.

However, also remind yourself that you are not invincible. Your heart needs rest. You need rest. Remind yourself that you do not need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, that you may not be able to save everyone, and that you may not be able to heal every hurt. Remind yourself that you deserve to take all of the energy you put into the world and invest it back into yourself from time to time. That you are worthy of the love you keep giving to everyone else. Remind yourself, that you don’t always have to be strong, that you don’t always have to be the fixer. Remind yourself that you can be human, that you can ask for help; and that you don’t always have to be the one to save yourself.

how to make the most of your weekends

Saturday, October 26, 2019

When I was 17 years old, which was more than a decade ago, holy crap using the word "decade" actually makes it sound like I'm reaaaally old, but can still pass for a college student *wink*. What's wrong with you people, stop doing mental math of my actual age. OKAY. Going back, when I was younger, I never thought so much about planning my weekends and all that jazz. I just roll with the punches. Sometimes, I end up doing absolutely nothing on a weekend, and other times, I'm nursing a hangover from too much alcohol the night before and badly need to recover and that's just one of the things I'd waste a whole day on (besides being stubbornly lazy) when I could be doing a million things worth my while.

How many times have you wasted a perfectly great weekend locked up in your room, watching garbage TV shows, blackout drinking, staying up until 4 A.M. on the internet, or staring at the ceiling making friends with shadows on your wall? Okay, the last part is from a Matchbox Twenty's song, but seriously, it's such a waste, right? I'm not a life coach, I'm just another person in this world who strives to be better at being human. Rest days are a working person's luxury, so here's to making the most of our weekends:

Our weekends need to feel different from our weekdays. We don't wanna fall under the "different day, same shit category" do we? As simple as making a plan could go a long way, nothing full scale, just draft out a plan. Having an idea how our weekend's gonna go hypes us up through the week having something to look forward to while having no plans at all ends up with, us, mindlessly spending our time away on things that don't add real value to our lives.

Do personal projects you've been putting off. When the weekend's over, we regret not having done what we really wanted to do. Allot some time for your DIYs, home maintenance/improvements, crafts, or what-have-you that you've been telling yourself you'd be doing but kept on postponing. This is a surefire way to feel accomplished.

On weekend chores and maximizing your mornings. We usually sleep in late on a Friday and also wake up late the next morning, having only half the day to ourselves. Mornings are tricky, but waking up early and doing our chores first thing in the morning leaves us feeling in charge of our day, not being bothered by the impending doom of our dirty laundry, empty fridge, a pile of dishes by the sink, unpaid bills, and whatever tasks we need to eventually attend to. Utilizing our mornings leaves us a lengthy day and more time to ourselves.

Weekends are the best time to relax from our rather exhausting weekdays. Here's where you insert your me-time. Take digital breaks. Focus on yourself. Indulge in a good book. Listen to good music. Go to a coffee shop. Visit a bookstore. Have a spa day. Get mani-pedis. Go to the beach. Watch a gig. See a movie. Exercise. Hang out with friends. Dinner out with your partner. Catch up on your favorite TV series. Take longer showers. Drink tea. Chill out. Whatever stress-free pursuits you have in mind.

Find a new hobby. Explore more of yourself or learn a new skill.

Avoid Monday morning anxiety. Preparing your wardrobe beforehand is a slick strategy. Make a to-do list of the things that need to get done for the next day. I hate to say this but hell we need to sleep early to feel refreshed the next day.

life lately?

Monday, September 16, 2019

You may be wondering what is this all about? Well, I don’t know either. I couldn’t even think of a decent blog post title for this.

It’s 1:14 PM and I can’t sleep. Nothing unusual because it’s been days, or weeks rather since I couldn’t sleep early. Well, I have to sleep this early for I now work on a night shift. Although, earlier today, I thought I could finally sleep on time since today has been pretty much just a day full of active endorphins. As soon as my boyfriend left home at 11AM, I instantly felt sleepy so I decided to take a quick meal and fall into a deep slumber. But I was wrong. It's now past 1 PM and I couldn't sleep. So I decided to grab the laptop instead, sit on our daybed, and just type whatever, maybe share how my day or week went or something. Then clean the house after this, take a shower, and hope to get dozed off immediately.

  • I just shifted to a new career last 26th of August. From BPO to RPO. Just finished my training last Friday and yes, I passed. I was endorsed to an account where we hire candidates for low-level positions for a large health institution in the US. I'm excited about this new career because I will no longer take calls every-fucking-seconds of my prod hours, I get to manage my breaks and help people find the right job for them. 
  • My boyfriend and I broke up for two days. But we're okay now. I have to blame the hormones for constantly shifting my mood lately haha. I love you, hubby. 💗 Girls, stop being so selosa. It's not healthy. Trust your man. 
  • My skin suddenly had a hard time coping with my new work schedule. I had a breakout for a week and my skin went dry. The Jeju Aloe Ice did a really good job of restoring the moisture in my face. I placed it in the fridge for a more cooling and soothing effect. It also helped tighten my pores. I highly recommend it to those who've been having dry skin lately because of the weather.
  • I've been terribly sloppy and infirm since last week. My immune system went down right when I started the night shift. Plus the weather. But I'm getting better now. Thanks for that 12 hours of sleep last Saturday. My boyfriend and I had a really productive weekend, didn't we? 😋
  • We've been watching series lately which I never thought I would appreciate but yes, I've been loving it even though I usually sleep on it whilst it's playing on the laptop hahaha. 
Anyway, it’s 2:02 PM on my clock now and I guess I have been talking too much already. It's raining outside so keep yourselves safe and dry. 'Til next time!

harder than i thought

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Breaking up sucks. I never thought it would hurt as much as it did because when you break up with someone, it’s because you’re not in love anymore, right? Not always.

I was living with the perfect guy. He wasn’t perfect but pretty damn close. He was kind, sweet, funny, a real charmer—essentially, everything that I could have wanted in a guy, right down to a pair of amazing eyes.

And here’s the thing: we meshed so well. For the first couple of months, we were constantly laughing, cuddling, watching movies, and tangling up the sheets. We had a total blast. At first. We had been dating for over 2 years. Until that moment, his faults seemed like perfect imperfections that I found endearing.

I had been planning our future together, both in my head and out in the open. We would move to a bigger apartment, our fingers entwined, looking at apartments together, and talking about how lovely it would be to have one of them to ourselves. It sounds ridiculous, but it certainly didn’t feel like it at the time. I guess that’s love, right?

But outside of our little bubble, I saw our relationship in an entirely different light. I found myself having to try harder and harder to connect with him, to be on the same wavelength. I started to become weary and cynical. I kept thinking that it was a phase, a hiccup, or a relationship rut.

One day, it hit me: It wasn’t just a hiccup. We were different. We had always been different. Suddenly, I couldn’t see us ever truly connecting in the real world. There was a distance between us, a chasm that was widening so rapidly that I was afraid I’d be swallowed up forever. I was exhausted from reaching over it, hoping he’d be able to grab my hand to make sure I didn’t fall off the edge.

But there was no point. I wasn’t growing. He wasn’t growing. There was no bridging the gap. I didn’t want to be in the relationship anymore, I thought.

That realization made my heart sink into the depths of my stomach. I had never been in this scenario before. My first relationship totally crashed and burned. There was no chasm—just an explosion. Though it was a miserable affair, it was very obvious what needed to happen. He was a jerk, he treated me badly, we broke up, I moved on, and that was that. But this was different. I still love this guy. I care about him, and he is one of my best friends. But I knew that romantically, we couldn’t be together anymore.

There’s a vast misconception in this world, thanks to the good ol’ romantic comedy industry, that those who do the dumping are cold, heartless, and ready to run around and make out with anything that moves as soon as they kick their SO to the curb. Maybe that’s the case for some. But often—at least, for me—nothing could be farther from the truth.

I had a lot of feelings and thoughts that didn’t seem to make any sense to me whatsoever.

That’s because the hardest part about breaking up with someone you love is convincing yourself that you need to do it first. Sure, you know this decision is for the best, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a cinch. In fact, you feel so many different levels of pain that you won’t know which ones to process first.

You feel like a criminal because it feels like you're stabbing your best friend and partner in the back after months of promises. You feel intense loneliness because you’re losing one of your closest companions, the one to whom you texted “good morning” and “good night” every single day. You feel distraught because you keep being reminded of it all by a song on Spotify, a place where you ate dinner together, or a little note they gave you.

And in the midst of all this, you keep getting the intense urge to text them about it because they were always the ones who would wipe away your tears. It’s like reliving the break-up over and over again.

All of this is gut-wrenching, to the point where you feel crippling doubt on top of it all, because how could the right decision possibly make you feel like you want to lay in bed all day with your head under the covers?

It took everything in me to finally realize that it was totally normal. Sometimes, the right decision is the most difficult. I couldn’t “fix” my feelings. I already fixed what I could simply by ending a broken relationship. It was the best for both of us, even if it didn’t feel like it then. All I could do was let my emotions wash over me and let the healing process start.

And I know it will. Day by day, I know I'll feel better. Thanks to a whole ton of my friends and my writing, I know eventually that I'll start to feel like me again.

Breaking up with someone you love is terrible. It’s scary as hell. But it’s necessary in order to move on to a happier stage of life. You are fabulous and will be even more fabulous when you come out on top of this even stronger than before.

And to you, I hope you'll be okay. I hope and pray that this break-up will do good for you. But for now, let's lift ourselves in our own, separate ways. I really do hope to see you become the person I know you can be.

I love you. Always. Take care ♡

althea korea makeup

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Okay, do not get me wrong: I truthfully admit that sometimes the only reason girls wear makeup is to impress guys and sometimes even other girls. However, most mornings, I can honestly say the only person I put on makeup for is myself. When I have makeup on, I feel good. I don’t feel ugly without it, but it gives me that extra confidence boost that you need once in a while.

Just like we have certain clothes for working out and certain ones for going out, the idea of “putting on our face” with makeup can help prepare our mental mindset for whatever “battle” we are heading into.

That's why according to Yves Saint Laurent, owner of a French luxury fashion house - “The most beautiful makeup of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy.”

So today, I'm excited to share with you the newest addition to Althea Exclusives - Althea Makeup! Yeah, you heard that right. They have finally stepped up their game into the beauty industry. Aside from a huge selection of high-quality skincare products, they now have created a party makeup collection specially made for shindigs or everyday looks - pretty flexible and affordable.

I have horrible under-eye circles. I have been self-conscious about my dark circles since I was 13. When I discovered the power of concealer, I was baffled because I had witnessed a miracle. My droopy eyes had turned bright and alert for once. Makeup is helpful when it comes down to emergency situations: zits, blotchiness, and blackheads. These are all times when I need a little dab of foundation here and there.

My work makeup has always been the no makeup, makeup look. What sounds like quite the contradiction is actually one of our absolute favorite makeup trends. Where once upon a time trendy makeup applications were all about the perfect cut crease or dramatic smoky eye, nowadays embracing your born-with-it beauty and playing it up for a natural makeup look is what it’s all about.

The everyday natural makeup look is great if you want to look effortlessly beautiful. To achieve this, you need to learn which all-natural makeup best suits the details of your face. But, the key to perfectness is to master every stroke you’ll do on your face. Today, we have a natural makeup look that you’ll definitely want to master and rely on!
  • Define your eyebrows softly.
  • Use a very defining mascara with a smaller and thinner wand.
  • Keep lips really soft – the look is almost lip-tone-like. WATERCOLOR CREAM TINT in Peach Cream (3) can create a barely there natural finish.

Isn’t it fun to learn new things every day? Heck yes! I hope you learned a thing or two today about my everyday makeup look and Althea Makeup. Loved learning a few new looks to add to your repertoire? If you’re always looking for new ways to switch up your makeup look, check out #AltheaAngels now on Instagram as they've created more looks with the new Althea Makeup collection.

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Althea Korea Facebook

the sunday currently | vol.4

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Wow. Just wow.

The last time I wrote about this series was - fvck - October 22, 2017! Imagine, It has been almost two years you guys! I really hate myself right now for forgetting so many things and not being able to schedule my blog anymore.

Now that the damage has been done, I can't promise that I'll be doing this every Sunday religiously, but I'll try my very best to remember (such a forgetful b!tc# I am!).


IRL, my life's a mess. A mess that I don't know how to dump outside my own universe. I am maybe easy to go along person, I am maybe a funny person who constantly makes my friends laugh randomly, I am maybe someone who's mediocre and just lives life wherever it takes me - but I am one of those who really carries this baggage I still don't know where to dump and live freely from it. I guess that's what sucks about being an adult. It ain't really easy to cut the BS out and be happy just like that. Not only as an adult - but as a human in general.

Fret not, a lot of things lately somehow lightened the weight of the baggage. My friends in the office who are always willing to help, my kids who still annoy me and love me at the same time, and there's this guy who makes me happy currently. I think those were enough reasons for me not to feel downhearted.


I've been feeling under the weather for two days now. I have swollen gums, a cold, and a mild cough. I've been wearing a mask also which adds up to my annoyance haha! Anyway, it's been a crappy day. There's this one person I really don't wanna see (which is inevitable cuz duh, we work in the same office) as his opinions have always been as crooked as the dog's hind leg. And I just don't like him. So, looking forward to seeing my happy pill later to at least balance out my day.


READING: Well, I've been reading my boyfriend and I's notes on Google Keep. It's a constant reminder to me that someone out there is, hey, madly in love with me. HAHA!

WRITING: I currently have a draft post for Althea Korea's new makeup line. I just lack photos for the tutorial. Argh.

THINKING: About stuff. Random stuff.

SMELLING: I can't smell anything at the moment - but I've been loving the scent of my new perfume which is a Jo Malone Nectarine inspired.

WISHING: To lose 20kg before my birthday. I'm currently doing Intermittent Fasting, hope that'll work.

HOPING: That everything will fall into place real soon.

WEARING: My Looloo app shirt, jeans, and white sneakers.

LOVING: The cold weather.

WANTING: New markers and pens. My old ones ran out of ink for they've been left unused in my stash for a long time. I think they hated me for not using them - sorry pens and markers.

NEEDING: More time to update this blog.

FEELING: Under the weather.

CLICKING: Currently updating my Instagram highlights. I also posted VSCO filter ideas there so pls check my IG (@itscrissified) and follow (pretty please?).

my 2019 personal goals

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Goals are not a bore! First, it's important to know what you want and focus on how to get it. It's not as simple as it sounds. You may fail countless times, but it doesn't mean it's the end of it. You just have to keep trying and trying. Develop a routine or a habit that contributes to your goal to make it a hell lot easier. Visualize what you want to accomplish and achieve this year and write it down. Stick that reminder up on your vision board, computer screen, or anywhere tangible. Don't get sidetracked by insignificant things that will slow you down. Focus on what takes you closer to your goals. Got it?

Here's a list of my personal goals in 2019:

1. SAVE MORE MONEY. I know that being financially successful is a long shot, and there are no shortcuts that could take me there fast, so I'll take the first step by saving money first. This is something everybody in their 20s should do to prepare for adulting. I regret not having done this earlier. Nevertheless, it isn't too late to start.

2. WANT LESS. I've been practicing this since the last quarter of 2018, and I could say that I'm doing a good job of training myself to want less and to live a simple minimalistic lifestyle, and I kinda like it! It works for me! I only keep what's really important, by that meaning, I got rid of loads of clothing that I don't see myself wearing anymore, but are still in good condition. It was taking up a lot of space in my dresser anyway. Hand-me-downs are a delight to my little cousins, and I also gave some to the less fortunate.

3. BE MORE PRESENT. Stop living in the fast lane; life passes you like a blur. I'll try to live in the moment, take some digital breaks, eat slowly, savor the food, listen to people, appreciate the surroundings, and stop worrying about the future.

4. PRACTICE GRATITUDE. I do this first thing in the morning. It sends a positive vibe to the day. Be thankful even for little things.

5. POSITIVE THINKING. I will choose positive thoughts and shun away negative ones. I'll train my mind to restrain all traces of pessimism and replace it with all things positive!

6. BLOG CONSISTENTLY. I suck at being consistent. When things get tiring and busy, I never care to blog at all which I feel guilty about. I'll have this one on my to-do list, so I'll be compelled to do it. Reminder: Actions are greater than intentions.

7. START A CREATIVE HOBBY. Learn new things like typographic painting, baking, gardening (I want to grow my own vegetables hehe), calligraphy, ukelele, video editing, etc.

8. TRAVEL. My friend and I booked a round-trip ticket to Cebu. I'm excited about this one for I have never traveled via air! And I plan to travel more this year - if the schedule permits me to do so, why not?

9. STOP BEING A P*SSY. Take that risk and see where it takes you.

10. CUT LOOSE FROM MESSY PAST. The future is for new beginnings. Every day is a fresh start.

11. MAKE REALISTIC RELATIONSHIP GOALS. I'm currently in a relationship that's focusing on something realistic instead of focusing on fantasies. Self-improvement is a great tool, both as individuals and for our relationship. It keeps you from getting complacent or from not facing issues head-on. Plus, it can make you more productive. Here are seven realistic goals I'd like to consider because doing something new can totally transform your relationship, one day at a time.
  • To be actually happy together. 
  • To do something new once a month. 
  • To keep remembering what you love about one another. 
  • To have regular date nights.
  • To find a way to give back. 
  • To show appreciation for each other every. damn. day. 
  • Support each other's separate goals.