self-care ideas at home

Saturday, March 21, 2020

We are officially in a COVID-19 pandemic. Depending on where you are in the world, it could be mildly serious, or incredibly serious. Regardless, it can be really terrifying. But instead of getting into fear and panic, do your best to stay calm and be safe. Practice social distancing and wash your hands. This is literally a time when staying home can save lives. Since this is the best thing we can do right now, why not use it as an opportunity to go inward and explore yourself. Use this as a chance for self-care and self-reflection. You can take this time to relax, spend quality time with yourself, nourish yourself, explore and learn more about yourself, and take care of whatever needs to be taken care of.

So here are 15 self-care ideas you can do at home.
  1. Disconnect from the noise
  2. Put on a cozy playlist
  3. Journal
  4. Take an online class
  5. Clean and organize your space
  6. Meditate
  7. Exercise at home
  8. Do some reading
  9. Practice a hobby
  10. Learn a language
  11. Watch some feel-good TV
  12. Cook at home
  13. Take a relaxing bath
  14. Indulge in skincare
  15. Follow your heart
You don't need to feel obligated to make a list or keep busy during your time at home. What if you were to just do NOTHING? Simply do nothing, then listen to your heart and see what it wants. Leave it open and just see what happens. The point is not to feel forced or pressured to do anything. This is your time to explore yourself. So really, you can do whatever you want with it. I shared some ideas here, but your heart might be just somewhere else. Follow it. Explore it. The beauty of this journey is that you don't know what's next. So please share this blog if you liked it and I'll write more in the coming days just because this is the perfect time for me to reconnect with my blog and readers.

Please stay safe and healthy. Until next time.